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Abstracting and Indexing

The journal is currently Abstracted and Indexed in the following Indexing Agencies

  • Elsevier Bibliographic Databses Like EI Compendex, Geobase, EnCompass, Etc.
  • Chemical Abstracts, U.S.A.
  • Zoological Records, U.K.
  • Pollution Abstracts, U.S.A.
  • Environment Abstract, U.S.A.
  • Indian Citation Index
  • Paryavaran Abstract, New Delhi, India
  • Indian Science Abstracts,  New Delhi, India
  • Electronic Social and Science Citation Index (ESSCI)
  • Centre for Research Libraries
  • ProQuest, U.K.
  • Scopus, SJR
  • Index Copernicus 
  • WorldCat
  • JournalSeek
  • NeuJour, USA
  • GetCited
  • Indian Science
  • Zetoc, Agriquest
  • Sherpa
  • Science Central 
  • EBSCO’s Database 
  • International Scientific Indexing (ISI Journal Impact Factor: 1.621)

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